Nvidia is a company that almost all programmers and gamers might know. Nvidia is the largest graphics card company in the world, it is valued at more than 1.23 Trillion dollars which is more than Facebook and Samsung, and is reportedly the 4th highest valued company. So how this company reach to that point here is the story on it

Jensen Huang started Nvidia as early as April 1993, it was not easy to reach at that point, its first chip was NV1, its first graphic accelerator chip, it partnered with Sony and created the graphic chips for Play Station 2, and PlayStation became the most sold PlayStation thus cementing its popularity and most that generation gaming console used Nvidia chips, if people ask you who won in the race of gaming solution it's actually Nvidia as it was in all the popular gaming console, it also partnered with IBM to develop the CUDA architecture. CUDA allows programmers to use GPUs for general-purpose computing, and it has helped to make Nvidia a leader in the field of AI, it also partnered with Tesla to make AI for self-driving car

the companies was not on a smooth road to success it had to face several failures. Even after success in the gaming console market, it was not making a profit because it had to make the infrastructure from the ground up so it had to face a lot of losses due to it. the global economy was in a recession in the late 1990s, which hurt demand for Nvidia’s products, due to this it was on the verge of bankruptcy in 1997.


Today due to the AI era, graphic chips have shot up in demand so many companies like Open Ai Facebook, and google have made entire infrastructure to place and manage graphic chips, the biggest supplier for all these companies is Nvidia, in fact, it sales reach its peak in 2022–2023 at $26.97 billion, it was also used in PC for gaming and programming, the emergence of new and high graphic games has increased the demand for GPU as it is only GPU which can handle such games.

here is the summarized version of this — (compiled by CHAT GPT)

April 1993: Nvidia is founded by Jensen Huang, Chris Malachowsky, and Curtis Priem.

1995: Nvidia releases its first graphics accelerator chip, the NV1.

1997: Nvidia is on the verge of bankruptcy due to competition, high development costs, slow adoption of new graphics technologies, and a global economic recession.

1999: Nvidia releases the GeForce 256, the first graphics card to be marketed as a “gaming GPU.” It is a huge success, and it makes Nvidia the leading provider of GPUs for the gaming market.

2006: Nvidia partners with IBM to develop the CUDA architecture. CUDA allows programmers to use GPUs for general-purpose computing, and it helps to make Nvidia a leader in the field of AI.

2009: Nvidia partners with Tesla to develop the self-driving car platform. Nvidia’s GPUs are used in Tesla’s self-driving cars to power the AI software that controls them.

2015: Nvidia partners with Amazon to develop the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) P2 instance. The EC2 P2 instance is a GPU-accelerated instance that is optimized for AI and machine learning workloads.

2016: Nvidia partners with Google to develop the Google Cloud TPUs v4 Pods. The Google Cloud TPUs v4 Pods are GPU-accelerated Pods that are optimized for AI and machine learning workloads.

2017: Nvidia partners with Microsoft to develop the Azure N-Series virtual machines. The Azure N-Series VMs are GPU-accelerated VMs that are optimized for AI and machine learning workloads.

2018: Nvidia releases the RTX architecture, which introduces real-time ray tracing to GPUs.

2019: Nvidia partners with Adobe to develop the Creative Cloud Suite.

2020: Nvidia partners with Autodesk to develop Revit.

2021: Nvidia partners with Meta to develop the Metaverse.

2022: Nvidia’s sales reach its peak at $26.97 billion.